Friday, January 16, 2015

A ‘UFO’ has been captured on video, apparently hovering in the North East sky.
Craig Lowther, a 43-year-old venture capitalist from Tynemouth, North Tyneside, said he was letting his dog into the garden at around 11.30pm on Monday when he saw the strange object.
And he managed the capture it on film. To watch video follow this link.
He said: “I always look up at the night sky when I go out because where I live you get a great view of the stars.
“But when I looked up I noticed what I thought was a plane travelling on an unusual flight path.
“It was an unusual colour for a plane and it was not moving as you would expect a plane to move.”
At this point, Craig went back into the house to get his video camera so he could get a closer look at the unidentified object.
The camera was low on battery so Craig had to wait a few minutes while it charged, but the object was still there.
He said: “I used the zoom so I could get a better look, and what I saw surprised me.
“It appeared to be a dome with a bulge in the middle and it had pulsating lights on it.
“I am out at night a lot walking the dog but this was like nothing I have ever seen before.”
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