Project Grudge
"Project Grudge: The Tip of the Iceberg" -- Lt. Col. Charles Brown Testimony
By Billy Booth
UFOs/Alien Expert
Project Sign would be officially defunct on February 11, 1949. Enter Project Grudge, another government UFO study group. No matter what high hopes existed for Grudge, it became nothing more than a repeat of Sign, the name change being the most significant difference.
From Project Twinkle, and Project Sign, one very important fact emerged: There was no way that a study group could be formed where everyone involved would agree on a solution, and wrap up the UFO mystery in a neat little box. It was just too complex, and two separate trains of thought came from all the meetings, no matter how top-secret they were.
One group, despite any "real" evidence, believed that UFOs could well be extraterrestrial, based mainly on credible reports by pilots who described the unbelievable maneuvers made by these flying craft from who knows where.
The second group, despite all the evidence, would not believe any explanation not based on conventional science, or simple misidentification of everyday flying objects.
Project Grudge did attempt to do something unique: give each and every case a solution, or tag that identified it as something. Another nice sounding system, but a simple solution would not work on a complex problem.
Unfortunately, Grudge would be short-lived. It officially closed its doors after 8 months. They issued a final report, and despite their desire to identify and classify each and every case, 23% were labeled as "unidentified."
Captain J. Ruppelt took over on September 11, 1951 in a final attempt to make a study group work, but to no avail. Usually called Grudge II, it was simply a repeat of past failures. Going to the private sector, the Battelle Memorial Institute was called upon by the government to explain the UFO enigma.
This had some degree of success, but made no major contribution to a scientific conclusion. Finally, in 1952, the Robertson Panel and Project Blue Book were created.
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