Dark Journalist speaks with legendary UFO investigator and Nuclear Physicist, Stanton Friedman and expose the UFO cover up and unravel the COINTELPRO that is spreading disinformation through puppet debunkers and dubious movies to discredit alien disclosure via covert propaganda programs.
Together, they uncover the evidence that shows that the Earth may now be under an ET QUARANTINE due to its warlike stance with the development of the Star Wars Defense Systems and Secret Space Program. They also suggest that warnings from the ET visitors may be the reason why NASA has virtually dropped all of its Moon missions and manned space travel.
Stanton Friedman is the most respected author in the field of UFO contact and has written the top influential books on the subject including the ground - breaking 'Top Secret - Majic,' about the famous Majestic Twelve or MJ12 documents that reveal a clandestine government program to deny the existence of extraterrestrial visitors while reverse-engineering their incredibly advanced, futuristic technology.
From the secretive, breakaway national security state players to the stonewalling mainstream corporate media gatekeepers, this new Dark Journalist episode will shock you with its implications of a deep, organized plan to hide the reality of advanced, interstellar, off-world visitors and the tremendous impact they are having on our daily lives.
As a bonus, Dark Journalist asks Stanton to outline the secret world of Donald Howard Menzel, who lived a double-life as a famous Harvard Astronomer and UFO debunker but also as a key member of the hiddenMJ12 group that handled all UFO evidence and technology for intelligence purposes. He also reveals his favorite UFO cases including the Phoenix Lights, Betty Hill, Jesse Marcel/Roswell, and more! You don't want to miss this one!
Video Total: (111 mins)
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