Tuesday, December 30, 2014
IncredibleUFO Sighting At Lake Tiorati, NY 1966 - Photos

It was just before Christmas in 1966, when twenty-three-year old Vincent and two pals decided to do a little winter fishing. The winter weather was rather temperate for December so they decided to do their fishing at a spot along the Hudson River, about 40 miles north of New York City.
To the east of them, on the shore of the Hudson, was the Indian Point Nuclear Power Station. On the western shore of Hudson was Harriman State Park.
The three young men were involved with the art of their fishing when suddenly something strange was spotted in the sky over or near Lake Tiorati deep in the Harriman forests.
Vincent tells us, “Suddenly a rare object of bronze color appeared, making no noise and its size was approximately 6 meters” (diameter).
Twenty-three-year old Vincent snapped four photos. Later the US Air Force – Project Blue Book representatives later did a scant investigation and quickly labeled the sighting photos a hoax. Later the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) studied the photos and interviewed the three men who witnessed the UFO event. NICAP investigators found no evidence of any hoax. This photo is in the archives of the Best Photos of UFOs website. (NICAP case 661218)
Lastly, it should be noted that the Indian Point Nuclear Power facility is just a mere three miles to the east of Lake Tiorati. The nuclear facility was ground zero for many high visibility Triangle and Chevron UFO sightings in the 1970s and 1980s.
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