1959-ThePapua, New Guinea UFOs
By Billy Booth
On April 5, 1959, at the Anglican mission village at Boianai, Papua, New Guinea, one of the most well-documented cases of alien visitation began. At this time in history, this village was a territory of Australia. The Australian Anglican Church had sent Father William Booth Gill to lead the mission. He would be the main subject of a series of UFO sightings with alien beings.
Light on Mount Pudi:
Reverend Gill, highly respected by the Church, was well-liked by his colleagues. Gill was a skeptical man where UFOs were concerned, and certainly not looking for them. His hands were full running the mission. The first hint of alien contact would take place on April 5. Gill, while scanning the landscape, saw a light on uninhabited Mount Pudi. The light, states Gill, moved extremely fast.
Inverted Saucer-Shaped Object:
During the summer of 1957, Gill's assistant Stephen Moi reported to him that he had observed an "inverted saucer-shaped object" which was hovering above the mission. Gill thought nothing of it at the time. The report, though quickly dismissed, would at least turn their attention to the skies above, readying them for what was to come-direct contact with alien beings.
The Size of 5 Full Moons:
On June 26, Father Gill again saw a bright light to his northwest. Evidently, rumors of the previous sighting by Moi had spread among the villagers, and soon they were beside Gill, watching the light above. Sworn statements of this event listed 38 individual witnesses who saw a disc-shaped UFO the size of 5 full moons strung together. The UFO had four legs, like landing gear, but was high in the sky.
Four Human-Like Beings:
An enormous object was hovering over the mission. Soon, four beings, similar to humans, emerged from the object. They appeared to be working on something on their ship. The beings would go inside the object, and then soon return, as if fetching tools. At regular intervals, a blue light shone up above the UFO. This craft was visible for 45 minutes, vanishing at 7:30 P.M.
25 Observers Witness Event:
Forty-five minutes later, many of the witnesses remained, still pondering the sight they had seen. Soon, several objects smaller than the previous UFO would appear in the sky. About 20 minutes afterward, the first UFO was back in view. The sighting of the larger UFO would last four hours, as witnesses would come and go. Twenty-five witnesses signed their testimony to the sighting. A heavy cloud cover ended the event.
Beings Working on Object:
Incredibly, the next night the giant disc-shaped UFO returned at 6:00 PM. Two of the smaller objects flanked it. Father Gill, with many of the witnesses from the night before, watched the unbelievable sight. Father Gill's statement concerning the sighting:
"On the large one, two of the figures seemed to be doing something near the center of the deck. They were occasionally bending over and raising their arms as though adjusting or "setting up" something.
Being Waves Back:
"One figure seemed to be standing, looking down at us."
Gill then waved at one of the creatures. "To our surprise the figure did the same. Ananias waved both arms over his head-then the two outside figures did the same. Ananias and myself began waving our arms, and all four seemed to wave back. There seemed no doubt that our movements were answered... "
Object Moves Away:
This exchange of waves continued for some time. One witness, Eric Kodawara waved a torch at the beings, and they waved back. Gill left the group briefly to eat, but when he returned, the object and beings were still there. This time they were farther away. There was a church service at 7:45 PM, and afterwards, the UFO was gone.
Analysis of Event:
The series of alien contacts in Papua, New Guinea, seem like something from a science fiction movie. However, the reputation of Father Gill cannot be overlooked, and there is no reason to think he and the other witnesses were lying or hallucinating.
Veteran UFO expert Dr. J. Allen Hynek thoroughly investigated the Papua events, and concluded that they were genuine. No alternate explanation has been offered to explain what happened, except to say that UFOs and alien beings visited New Guinea in 1957.

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