Variable anomaly, trackingfootage 12/07/14 4:08pm EST

Publicado a 08/12/2014
Best viewed in HD. Miami, FL.
In the same way that stars are masked by the sky scattering of visible light in daylight any small object in the atmosphere is also masked. This masking effect is lower in the infrared portion of the spectrum and even lower in the short radio wave portion, so scanning the sky in the infrared or in the short radio wave(radar) portion of the spectrum is a lot more efficient than scanning the sky in visible light. Dual optical systems exploit this fact: Dual optical systems are to anomalies what microscopes are to microorganisms.
After observing anomalies systematically the idea that they are living beings is a natural one.
Some anomalies respond with bright flashes to direct light signals in daylight or at night. Some anomalies had responded by morphing into digit shapes correlated to the signals sent to them:
From a scientific point of view the strongest possible evidence for any fact or theory is observational data consistent/recurrent across multiple independent observers, anomalies have plenty of that, so the reality of anomalies is based on very solid scientific grounds, the fact that this reality have not been acknowledged still by "scientific circles" is really irrelevant, they will be forced to recognize that sooner or latter in the same way that the Church was forced to recognize the heliocentric worldview, today's organized science is really not different to a religion.
Seeing UFOs as "crafts" is a myth nurtured by people expectations and media abuse of that expectation. There is also a widely believed myth of only or bigger nighttime UFO activity.
Three cameras used:
1- A modified LG camera, 1/3"CCD, standard definition, with 16-160mm motorized lens and 1000nm pass IR filter. Magnification up to 26x.
2- An unmodified IP camera, 1/2.5" CCD, 5MP high definition, on a 1000mm Telephoto no filters, fixed focus. Magnification: 130x
3- An unmodified IP camera, 1/2.5" CCD, 5MP high definition on a Celestron 900mm scope, no filters, fixed focus. Magnification 160x.
iSpy( is used as a viewer/recorder of the three side by side viewing windows and to overlay on the footage in real time the current date/time of recording and the azimuth/elevation position. All footage is time stamped in real time, PC synchronized using Dimension 4.
Raw video files will be available upon request to anyone.
I use the word "Anomaly" to denote unidentified objects that behave in an "anomalous" way, i.e. in a way that appears to defy known ideas/concepts. I am not a "UFO believer" but I am not a "close-minded" debunker either, I only deal with observable facts in our atmosphere or near space.
This channel is directed to active observers or people with little or no preconceived ideas, debunkers/science types with a very simplistic, dogmatic, cartoon-like view of the world will not feel comfortable here. I am using this channel as an output for my observations and ideas in this topic, this is a free Ads channel.
If your are looking for Hollywood-style entertainment you are in the wrong channel.
Anybody using foul/vulgar/personal attacks language in this channel will be banned without any warning.
"This footage and any footage in the raw video archive is exclusively copyrighted for this channel, you can not use it without asking for permission."
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