1997-Alien Abduction in Wales
By Billy Booth
A well researched case of alien abduction comes from Wales, and well-known researcher Margaret Fry. The case involves missing time and lost memories, a typical scenario for abduction. Multiple sightings of UFOs over the Great Orme, a legendary and mysterious mountainous region in North Wales, preceded the events of November 10, 1997 by several days. One family would have their entire lives changed within a short period of time by encountering a strange UFO.
Purple Craft:
The family was motoring on the Bodfair-Landemog highway, when without a warning, their car was overwhelmed by a purple flying object which seemed to attach itself to their car. This brief moment of terror would be followed by another in which the UFO was gone. They were again driving their car down the road, but now they were trying to understand what had happened. The had not a clue.
Margaret Fry's Statement:
"But they could not account for considerable hours of time lost," said Fry.
"The male was having trouble afterwards with a top molar tooth and he had to go to the dentist's... and a black unknown object fell out while he was at the dentist's-but he had no fillings," she said.
Men in Black:
After the trip to the dentist's office, the husband made a report of the family's strange encounter on the highway to local authorities. Shortly thereafter, he was visited on two separate occasions by plain-clothed men identifying themselves as Air Force personnel. He was warned to never talk about his family's incident. The men looked like the legendary American "men in black."
Another Eerie Sighting:
The family, wanting to discuss their incident with someone, told only a friend, who in turn, related their story to Margaret Fry. Fry contacted the family, but per their request, kept the names of the family members from the press. The family would get some satisfaction when another encounter on the same night was reported.
UFO-Big as a Football Field:
A business man from the same general area would come forward with his own story, similar to the family's. On the very same road, on the same night, he saw a UFO which he described as enormous, shaped like a child's spinning top, and the size of a football field. He made drawings of what the craft looked like. The UFO was also reported as hovering over nearby buildings near the highway. The craft was described as being large enough to be a mother-ship.

Petitioning President Barack Obama
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Barack Obama
Disclose UFO/Alien related documents to the public. Also hold a hearing on the Disclosure of this Information.
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