Posted: 15 Oct 2014 05:00 AM PDT
Roswell was not aliens - it was the Nazis, according to a German documentary
This story is a bit hard to believe for several reasons. Nazi's, UFOs, Roswell, WWII are all things that sell in today's world. But selling tabloid stories does not advance the truth behind the UFO phenomena. Plus this story is sadly lacking in details, such as, what kind of propulsion system power the vehicle, how did it get to Roswell and what happened to the craft. If the documentary advances any new relevant information we will report back after the show airs.
This story is a bit hard to believe for several reasons. Nazi's, UFOs, Roswell, WWII are all things that sell in today's world. But selling tabloid stories does not advance the truth behind the UFO phenomena. Plus this story is sadly lacking in details, such as, what kind of propulsion system power the vehicle, how did it get to Roswell and what happened to the craft. If the documentary advances any new relevant information we will report back after the show airs.
A GERMAN TV documentary being screened on Wednesday night claims the mysterious UFO 'Roswell Incident' in the USA nearly 70 years ago was the result of experiments with ultra-secret Nazi rocket technology.

The Roswell Incident was reported on July 8 1947 in the town of the same name in New Mexico.
Initially thought to be the crash landing of a flying saucer, military authorities later said it was a downed weather balloon, but conspiracy theorists down the years have always insisted that the military was covering up an alien visitation.
But now a documentary entitled 'UFOs in the Third Reich' claims the incident was linked to testing of the 'Bell,' a copper coloured aircraft three metres in diameter, the core of which was a futuristic propulsion unit using electric particles.
The documentary screened on the N24 channel claims the craft was the forerunner of the Stealth fighter of today and was crafted by scores of V2 rocket experts who were spirited to America at the end of the war to give the USA the edge over the Soviet Union in rocket technology.
One of them was allegedly a mass Nazi killer, S.S. general Hans Kammler was head of construction and defence projects´in the Third Reich and as such planned the forced labour factories at Auschwitz and the secret V-2 rocket plants inside Germany.
The German documentary draws on a vast wealth of archival material. One of the experts is Igor Witkowski, a Polish former journalist and historian of military and aerospace technology.
In his book, 'Prawda O Wunderwaffe' in 2000, he wrote extensively of the "bell-shaped craft" that was being created by the Nazis, and that Hitler wanted the best scientists and engineers at his disposal.
This is what I saw, with my own eyes; a Nazi UFO
Georg Klein, a German engineer
German engineer Georg Klein claimed that such designs had been developed during the Third Reich.
Klein, who went on to have a distinguished postwar career as an aeronautical engineer, said; "I don't consider myself a crackpot or eccentric or someone given to fantasies.
"This is what I saw, with my own eyes; a Nazi UFO."
British and American bomber crews, who ranged free in the skies over Germany towards the end of the war to deliver their lethal cargoes, also reported strange sightings over enemy territory when debriefed back at their bases - now thought to have been test flights of the Bell.
The programme explores the possibility that the Roswell Incident may have been the crash of another Nazi-era flying saucer known the Schriever-Habermohl model.
Rudolf Schriever was an engineer and test pilot, Otto Habermohl an engineer.
This project was centred in Prague between 1941 and 1943, but the plans for it was taken to America at war's end.
Initially a Luftwaffe project, it eventually fell under the auspices of armaments minister Albert Speer before being taken over once again in 1944 by Kammler.
Eyewitnesses captured by the Allies after WW2 claimed to have seen the saucer produced in Prague fly on several occasions.
Joseph Andreas Epp, an engineer who served as a consultant to the Schriever-Habermohl project, stated 15 prototypes were built in all.
He described how a central cockpit surrounded by rotating adjustable wing-vanes formed a circle.
The vanes were held together by a band at the outer edge of the wheel-like device.
The pitch of the vanes could be adjusted so that during take off more lift was generated by increasing their angle from a more horizontal setting.
In level flight the angle would be adjusted to a smaller angle, similar to the way helicopter rotors operate.
The wing-vanes were to be set in rotation by small rockets placed around the rim like a pinwheel.
Once rotational speed was sufficient, lift-off was achieved.
After the craft had risen to some height the horizontal jets or rockets were ignited.
"After this the wing-blades would be allowed to rotate freely as the saucer moved forward as in an auto-gyrocopter.
"In all probability, the wing-blades speed, and so their lifting value, could also be increased by directing the adjustable horizontal jets slightly upwards to engage the blades, thus spinning them faster at the digression of the pilot," he said.
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