Monday, January 26, 2015
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Bob Lazar 25 Years Later On Area 51, UFOs and Antigravity - VIDEOS
Posted on 7:53 AM by jumba
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Bob Lazar: 25 Years Later - Part 1 & 2
Lazar TALKS candle in time using gravity amplification |
Robert "Bob" Lazar is the owner of United Nuclear Scientific Equipment and Supplies. Lazar also claims to have worked as a scientist and engineer, reverse engineering extraterrestrial technology at a site called S4, in the Emigrant Valley and Old Kelley Mine area, near the Area 51 test facility.
He claimed to have passed several tests by U.S. military officials and was warned that should he reveal anything, his family would be executed (Lazar reportedly signed an agreement to this).
Lazar stated the space probe on which he worked creates its own gravitational pull and can pull the fabric of space and time toward it. Both universities from which he claimed to hold degrees have no record of him.
Publicado a 06/06/2014UPDATE: Please visit this page for a synopsis of Lazar's "physics"
Thanks to Jeremy Rys
I am by NO means a Bob Lazar fan or believer. I think he made up the majority of his stories, intending to "show off" to John Lear. Lear, although a basket-case in his own right, at least has numerous accomplishments. Lazar doesn't even have the credentials to PRETEND to be accomplished. His S-4/Site 4 is a set of radar facilities located by TTR (Tonopah Test Range), NOT some mysterious set of hangars at Papoose Dry Lake. Regardless - for interest sake, I am posting this video.
Site 4/S4 is a radar facility located east of the Tonopah Test Range, used to test various radar's against aircraft:
37.737120°, -116.468375°
Here is a map of the facility:
Here is a KMZ file of the various S4 facilities for Google Earth (download, change .zip to .kmz to open):
And here is a picture I took of some of S4 I took in April 2014:
For those you still clinging to Lazars' BS, here is some reading material you need to read:
Debunking of Lazar by Stanton Friedman
The Lazar Affair, on my website
The Lazar Corner, on
Stanton Friedman on Bob Lazar: to Jeremy Rys
I am by NO means a Bob Lazar fan or believer. I think he made up the majority of his stories, intending to "show off" to John Lear. Lear, although a basket-case in his own right, at least has numerous accomplishments. Lazar doesn't even have the credentials to PRETEND to be accomplished. His S-4/Site 4 is a set of radar facilities located by TTR (Tonopah Test Range), NOT some mysterious set of hangars at Papoose Dry Lake. Regardless - for interest sake, I am posting this video.
Site 4/S4 is a radar facility located east of the Tonopah Test Range, used to test various radar's against aircraft:
37.737120°, -116.468375°
Here is a map of the facility:
Here is a KMZ file of the various S4 facilities for Google Earth (download, change .zip to .kmz to open):
And here is a picture I took of some of S4 I took in April 2014:
For those you still clinging to Lazars' BS, here is some reading material you need to read:
Debunking of Lazar by Stanton Friedman
The Lazar Affair, on my website
The Lazar Corner, on
Stanton Friedman on Bob Lazar:
Latest UFO News Reports From Around The World, Special Segment on Blue Book - video
Posted on 7:35 AM by jumba
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Files from one of the U.S. Air Force’s official investigations of UFOs are in the spotlight. Although these files have been available for decades, they were recently added to a website in a much more user-friendly manner. Also, astronomers detected a strange radio signal that has them perplexed. These stories and more on this episode of Spacing Out!
Stories featured on this episode:- UFO hovering over New Mexico town
- UFOs over nuclear plants in France and Belgium
- USAF UFO Project Blue Book files
- Sci-Fi movie features American Indians and UFOs
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Intriguing UFO Cases From Project Blue Book - New York State
Posted on 1:03 PM by jumba
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Investigations on Western New York UFO sightings released
BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) – A host of files, gathered over a nearly 30-year-span starting in the 1940’s, were recently consolidated online in on one site.
Project Blue Book, an Air Force project which cataloged investigations into civilian and military sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFO), was just declassified, and the files contain eight reports from western New York.

Although all reports from the area were dismissed due to astronomical reasons or insufficient data, one was dismissed based on the description of “Inversion Reflection.”
That 1959 Warsaw report dismissed a “reliable” civilian source who said they saw four red and white, bright, star-shaped lights appear the size of a half dollar. The civilian, who worked as a horse trainer, said two formed as a pair and the others scattered. The dismissal was given as atmospheric conditions, such as a “superior mirage.” They said they had indications that there was a sharp inversion at around 4,000 feet in the sky.
Other reports just like that were investigated out of the Niagara Falls Air Base, or Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station.

Another Buffalo report was completely brushed off in January of 1966. The civilian sent in a report to Project Blue BOOK
to report something they had never before seen. They listed witnesses and described — even drew the phenomenon they reported seeing — a bright light with a tail — heading from the west and moving east. They said they followed it for a time before it disappeared behind a cloud. They reported it being unique, and as bright as the reflection of the sun off a small object. Hector Quintanilla, the chief of Project Blue Book, sent this person a letter telling them they didn’t have sufficient evidence for evaluation.
In another report, a Buffalo civilian reported a UFO sighting, then later changed their minds. She said she saw a round, orange object the size of a basketball in the sky. After looking at it through binoculars, they said they saw a small crater emitting fiery gas from the bottom. When the Air Force followed up with her, she agreed with them when they told her they thought the object was simply Mars.
That’s similar to this short report, which a Buffalo witness filled out. They originally said they saw a metallic, pear-shaped object in the sky. That report was dismissed as astronomical. The Air Force said the witness “concurred with the reporting officer that this sighting was Venus.”

In another report, a Buffalo civilian reported a UFO sighting, then later changed their minds. She said she saw a round, orange object the size of a basketball in the sky. After looking at it through binoculars, they said they saw a small crater emitting fiery gas from the bottom. When the Air Force followed up with her, she agreed with them when they told her they thought the object was simply Mars.
That’s similar to this short report, which a Buffalo witness filled out. They originally said they saw a metallic, pear-shaped object in the sky. That report was dismissed as astronomical. The Air Force said the witness “concurred with the reporting officer that this sighting was Venus.”

One of the most detailed reports in western New York was when a fighter pilot in flight and civilians on the ground both saw a bright object in the sky. The fighter pilot said he saw a red and white object, which varied in brightness in the sky which forced him to take evasive action. He said he attempted to make radar contact but failed. His report corroborated with a civilian on the ground who said the object was there for well over a half hour, and before he knew it, it was gone. They reported the flight pattern and shapes of the object, which they say moved across western New York. The fighter pilot even said he gave chase to it. He drew a map of where he chased the object, which always seemed to be ahead of him, no matter what direction he was in. That sighting was ultimately dismissed as “Venus.”
PHOTOS | See photos and drawings from the original reports, many of which are over 50-years-old.
A witness to a Buffalo UFO event in 1958 filled out a questionnaire about his sighting, in which he depicted a triangular shape which had a jet stream, and was colored orange and yellow. He said he eventually saw five objects over the course of an hour. Despite his details, the Air Force deemed this as insufficient data.
Another report claimed to have pictures of a UFO that they witnessed. This 1961 report from Buffalo was seen by military and civilians. They reported seeing white and blue-white objects which were the size of peas at an arms length. They said the objects had blinking red lights on each side and turned in a circular motion from left to right. They captured photos, and said the photos were unaided by unnatural light. They said the only thing in a clear sky was the UFO, which they attempted to zoom in on. The Air Force eventually determined the object was “Venus.”
The final, and potentially most well-known, report has multiple civilian sources and was seen by journalists in June of 1963 in Niagara Falls. The journalist eventually took the news article and witness reports to the Air Force to get an explanation. They said they saw multiple sightings over a span of hours. They saw objects which were large and bright during the evening. In the news report, they described it as a sight resembling the satellite Echo I, but much larger. They said thousands of witnesses saw the object, and FAA control tower operators witnessed the block, as well. The Air Force said it was a mix of astronomical and man-made equipment which people were seeing. They said one object was a very bright Jupiter and the other was satellite Echo I.
Project Blue Book was ordered to be terminated in 1969, and officially was dismissed in 1970. They said in reports that no UFO sightings ever proved to be a threat to national security.
These reports were compiled for an online archive at The Black Vault.
Western New York has recently flirted with its mysterious past. In East Aurora in 2014, a slew of signs depicting a UFO abducting livestock popped up.
Although East Aurora authorities and East Aurora Mayor said although the signs were funny, they said there was no immediate danger, and someone was playing a practical joke.
UFO Hunter In Australia Attempts To Set The Record Straight - Video
Posted on 12:56 PM by jumba
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Poster Comments (UFO Lou)
Description More evidence to suggest object is very distant. [not an insect]
UFO Lou from Melbourne Australia has consistently provide UFO websites with honest UFO footage. He seems to have a good handle on what is a satellite and what is truly unidentified. He also has shown a remarkable ability to point out birds and insects which could have been easily mistaken for UFOs. In the video below he has made it clear that the smaller of the two objects is too far away to be an insect. Given Lou's long-term track record I am inclined to agree with him. Decide for yourself.
Friday, January 23, 2015
7 Tips For Hunting UFOs Based On Project Blue Book Files
Posted on 8:13 AM by jumba
Friday, January 23, 2015

You’ve known for some time now that aliens exist. From that roommate with the four pet chinchillas to the your boss with the PEZ collection, it seems clear that extra terrestrials may even be living among us.
Bases on Project Blue Book material that has been consolidated and put online for free here are 7 tips for spotting UFOs.
1. Know what “contrails” are, and look for them.

2. Have a buddy (or two) back up your story.

3. Check for hovering and a “bluish glow.”

4. Observe whether there seems to be a flame with a “cylindrical shape.”

5. Be on the look out for a V-shaped formation.

6. Notice whether the light moves erratically or fades from view.

7. Don’t act so weird that investigators decide further contact with you is “not advisable.”

The Enigma of the Black Helicopters
Posted on 8:04 AM by jumba
Friday, January 23, 2015
What’s behind the black helicopter phenomenon?
What exactly is the strange enigma commonly known as the black helicopter phenomenon, or BHP for short.
For decades, these strange, unmarked aircraft have been seen flying through the air in a number of countries including the USA, France and the UK.

I was once fortunate enough to see three of them myself.
Nothing is known about the origin of black helicopters or their purpose, although rumours abound.
One common denominator is that none of them seem to bear the legally-required registration marks, which is in itself disturbing.
So, just what do we know about black helicopters?
Well, we know that although they can appear at any time of day or night the most popular time seems to be around dusk.
Often they will travel in flights of two or three, although on some occasions up to 20 have been reported.
Sometimes they will fly at high speed on a straight trajectory.
On other occasions they will circle a specific area, as if looking for something.
Another observation made by witnesses is that they often travel at a very low altitude, sometimes only 50ft or so above the ground.
Some observers have said that as soon as they try to phone the police the helicopters fly off at high speed, as if they knew what the witnesses were about to do, even though they were indoors.

Black Helicopter have been witnesses during UFO sightings flying at low altitude |
One interesting fact is that black helicopters have been known to harass UFO investigators.
Some of these craft are reported to have strange appendages or devices attached to them that even aviation experts are at a loss to explain.
Sometimes they will emit a strange noise which sounds like loud static.
There’s no doubt that some black helicopter sightings are connected with covert military activity, although for obvious reasons this is often denied.
However, other sightings indicate that something far, far stranger is going on.
Black helicopters are often seen hovering over areas where cattle mutilations have taken place, and few investigators now doubt that the two phenomena are intrinsically connected.
An interesting video said to have been shot in Argentina in 1983 caught what looks to be a cow being levitated into the sky underneath a saucer-shaped UFO.
No black helicopters, but quite a mystery. Well, it was until the truth surfaced.
It was actually a segment of unused footage from an advert for a Japanese dairy farm, which you can see HERE.
The black helicopter phenomenon is no hoax, though, as thousands of witnesses will testify.
In the USA, only military helicopters are allowed to be painted entirely black and their presence at the scenes of both cattle mutilations and UFO sightings has led to much speculation.
men inJust what does the military know that it isn’t telling us?
A balanced overview which offers a number of plausible explanations can be found on good ol’ Wikipedia HERE.
But the question remains; why do black helicopters seem to take such an interest in the activities of UFO researchers?

Men In Black |
Some claim that shortly after seeing the helicopters they were visited by dubious-looking “men in black” or military officials advising them that talking about their experiences “may not be in your best interests”.
It’s possible, of course that chatting in the bar about covert testing of advanced aerial prototypes would be discouraged on the grounds of national security.
But if that’s the case, why would the military fly them in areas where they would undoubtedly be seen?
It’s a mystery, for sure.
Strange UFO Filmed Over New York - Clear Daytime Footage
Posted on 7:58 AM by jumba
UFO Sighting In Oregon Very Similar toEpic Phoenix Lights Sighting of 1997
Posted on 7:48 AM by jumba
Thursday, January 22, 2015
An Oregon witness at Canby was reminded of the 1997 Phoenix Lights case when he saw five lights crossing the sky in a V-formation about 6:30 p.m. on January 20, 2015, according to testimony in Case 62776 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The reporting witness describes being in his backyard attempting to see the comet Lovejoy when the object first came into view.
“I was sitting in a zero gravity lawn chair with a patio steel chair sitting in front of me to steady my binoculars for better viewing of the comet,” the witness stated. “I could see satellites, and airplanes, but no comet.”
“I was sitting in a zero gravity lawn chair with a patio steel chair sitting in front of me to steady my binoculars for better viewing of the comet,” the witness stated. “I could see satellites, and airplanes, but no comet.”
Frustrated at not seeing the comet, his girlfriend came outside to join him.
“Obama was giving his speech and talking about two years of free college (a good time reference). I shrugged her comments off and expressed my frustrations with not being able to find this comet, pointing out where I believed it was and where I was told it would be, pointing things out in the sky. I pointed out the star formation Pleiades and then I pointed out a satellite close by and started scanning the sky for more things I could point out to her.”
But then the unusual object was seen.

“Gazing into the northwest, something caught my eye. My thought process went as follows – satellite, shooting stars, to an actual object bigger than I have ever seen before.”
The witness screamed to his girlfriend to look at the object.
“I was seeing five lights in a V-shape pattern closely followed by six or seven lights of the same frequency and size. The V-shape was one single, large object, dark enough to see through the clouds and blocking starlight as it passed. It was amazing and short lived.”
The witness then remembered that he was holding binoculars, raised them for a better look, but was unsuccessful.
“The lights were dim, but put off a haze or a slight glow. It was fast and there was a plane just below the object as it passed. Please don’t get me wrong – this object was nowhere near the plane and traveled at a much, much faster pace. Man, the V-shape was jaw dropping when I could make out the full object. I couldn’t make out what the other lights were, but just lights traveling at the same pace not far behind. It seemed to be traveling west to north spotting in the northwest at about 45 degrees of the horizon.”
His girlfriend thought she had just seen a shooting star. And without a camera nearby, he was unable to take a photograph of what he had just seen.
“Others had to see this. Others had to be doing exactly what I was doing – looking for the stupid comet.”
Canby is a city in Clackamas County, Oregon, population 15,829.
A second Utah witness in nearby Oregon City, also in Clackamas County, reported watching three lights hovering in a straight line that quickly darted away as described in Case 62783. The event date and time is listed as 7:30 p.m., January 20, but the year is shown as 2014. It is possible with the New Year just arriving that the witness meant the year as 2015. If this is discovered to be true during the investigation, it would mean that this witness saw the object just one hour later than the Canby witness and about eight miles north of Canby.
The witness at Oregon City first saw what they thought was a drone.
“I pulled out of my apt to see a drone-type plane fly away from the sighting prior to me seeing the UFO. But it didn’t look like the normal military drone. Looked like small plane but with only red, slow flashing lights. It was a lot smaller than a plane and closer to the ground.”
The witness then drove to a stop light about 100 feet from his apartment.
“I saw a diagonal line of three ‘big’ star-shaped (circle-ish) lights hovering. Then all of a sudden they darted across the sky – going to the left side of my car. It moved very quickly. Basically just saw a flash of light trail and they were gone. I thought at first it was stars, but they were too big and too close to the ground to be stars. I was very shocked and curious when this happened.”
The witness uploaded an illustration of the scene: Illustration 1.
The witness screamed to his girlfriend to look at the object.
“I was seeing five lights in a V-shape pattern closely followed by six or seven lights of the same frequency and size. The V-shape was one single, large object, dark enough to see through the clouds and blocking starlight as it passed. It was amazing and short lived.”
The witness then remembered that he was holding binoculars, raised them for a better look, but was unsuccessful.
“The lights were dim, but put off a haze or a slight glow. It was fast and there was a plane just below the object as it passed. Please don’t get me wrong – this object was nowhere near the plane and traveled at a much, much faster pace. Man, the V-shape was jaw dropping when I could make out the full object. I couldn’t make out what the other lights were, but just lights traveling at the same pace not far behind. It seemed to be traveling west to north spotting in the northwest at about 45 degrees of the horizon.”
His girlfriend thought she had just seen a shooting star. And without a camera nearby, he was unable to take a photograph of what he had just seen.
“Others had to see this. Others had to be doing exactly what I was doing – looking for the stupid comet.”
Canby is a city in Clackamas County, Oregon, population 15,829.
A second Utah witness in nearby Oregon City, also in Clackamas County, reported watching three lights hovering in a straight line that quickly darted away as described in Case 62783. The event date and time is listed as 7:30 p.m., January 20, but the year is shown as 2014. It is possible with the New Year just arriving that the witness meant the year as 2015. If this is discovered to be true during the investigation, it would mean that this witness saw the object just one hour later than the Canby witness and about eight miles north of Canby.
The witness at Oregon City first saw what they thought was a drone.
“I pulled out of my apt to see a drone-type plane fly away from the sighting prior to me seeing the UFO. But it didn’t look like the normal military drone. Looked like small plane but with only red, slow flashing lights. It was a lot smaller than a plane and closer to the ground.”
The witness then drove to a stop light about 100 feet from his apartment.
“I saw a diagonal line of three ‘big’ star-shaped (circle-ish) lights hovering. Then all of a sudden they darted across the sky – going to the left side of my car. It moved very quickly. Basically just saw a flash of light trail and they were gone. I thought at first it was stars, but they were too big and too close to the ground to be stars. I was very shocked and curious when this happened.”
The witness uploaded an illustration of the scene: Illustration 1.
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