Posted: 29 Sep 2014 05:00 AM PDT
EXCLUSIVE: Scarborough Named UFO Capital Boosting 'Extraterrestrial Tourism'

Now the resort is aiming to cash in on close encounters of a different kind after being named the UFO capital of Britain.
Tourism chiefs hope ET could do for the resort what the Loch Ness monster has done for the Scottish holiday trade.
A film company is making a documentary about the area following a spate of strange sightings over the North Sea.
UFO watchers report seeing a flying saucer landing on a hill near Scarborough’s former football ground before taking off again and disappearing into nearby woods.
There are also claims that “a ball of light” was involved in an aerial dogfight with “black flying triangles”.
A red light was also observed hovering over the sea before splitting into smaller fiery shapes. A Flying Saucers Have Landed conference is now a regular event in the tourist calendar and traders are planning a giant fireworks display on the beach.
John Senior, chairman of South Bay Traders, said: “We are all for the idea of extraterrestrial tourism.
“We have been assured our fireworks displays called Starfire will be visible from space.
“We hope there will be someone up there watching. We would welcome all life forms here in Scarborough and are very happy to accommodate UFO spotters and cater for their needs. There is no question there is other life out there.”
There is already talk of people doing UFO tours and documentary makers are queueing up to get here
Russ Kellett
Jody Doherty-Cove, boss of LUX Films, based in Brighton and London, is making a TV documentary centred on Scarborough.
He said: “We are going to attempt to answer the question whether we are alone in this universe.
“All these alien reports seem to be coming from up near Scarborough so we thought it was the best place to look.”
UFO hunter Russ Kellett said: “If someone was running the UFO tourism industry right, the sky would be the limit. There is already talk of people doing UFO tours and documentary makers are queueing up to get here after seeing the video evidence we have collected.
“Scarborough is the UFO capital of Britain. We would not want to get rid of the donkeys but we need to start looking outside the box.”
Scarborough vicar turned best-selling author Graham Taylor said: “Tourism bosses need to wake up and realise that Scarborough is one of the best UFO areas in the country.
"My uncle was a fisherman and swears they used to see things flying about over the sea.”
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