Clear Daytime UFO Photo Taken Over Portsmouth UK
Posted: 19 Sep 2014 05:00 AM PDT
PEOPLE have spotted a strange flying object in the skies of Portsmouth and believe it could be a UFO.

The Met Office Confirms it is not a cloud or a meteorological event
A grey-spherical object has been seen floating around in the sky, and claims it could be a cloud, an airplane or a bird have been shot down by those that have seen it.
Johnny Blackwell, 23, of Trevor Road, Southsea, said: ‘I don’t believe in UFOs, but when I saw this I didn’t know what it was.
‘It didn’t look like a cloud, and it was moving very fast.
‘It was a grey, disc-like shape, which I know sounds like a stereotypical UFO, but that’s what it looked like.
‘I don’t know much about military crafts, but this was very fast-moving and very odd to see.’
Johnny, a television and film production student at the University of Portsmouth, said he saw the object at around 7pm on Tuesday.
Other people have taken to Twitter to talk about the ‘UFO’.
@MrJoshHK said: ‘Watching the sky and saw what looked like a UFO! Starting to believe in what people have been saying! #pompeyufo
Another Tweeter, @HayleySparkle said: ‘So a UFO had been spotted in Portsmouth! Are aliens going to be dropping in I wonder...#pompeyufo
Laura Young, of the Met Office, said: ‘After looking at the images, I can say the object is nothing to do with the weather.
‘It is not meteorological and is not a cloud.’
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