Monday, November 17, 2014
The Secret Link Between UFOs and Nuclear Facilities

Robert Hastings |
Although most people are completely unaware of its existence, the UFO-Nukes Connection is now remarkably well-documented. U.S. Air Force, FBI, and CIA files declassified via the Freedom of Information Act establish a convincing, ongoing pattern of UFO activity at American nuclear weapons sites extending back to December 1948.
For more than 40 years, noted researcher Robert Hastings has sought out and interviewed former and retired U.S. Air Force personnel regarding their direct or indirect involvement in nuclear weapons-related UFO incidents. These individuals—ranging from retired colonels to former airmen—report extraordinary encounters which have obvious national security implications. In fact, taken to their logical conclusion, these cases have planetary implications, given the horrific consequences that would result from a full-scale, global nuclear war.
Robert Hasting recently posted this video which exposes:
- U.S. government documents reveal shocking UFO incidents at American nuclear missile sites.
- Documents smuggled out of Russia expose similar incidents at Soviet missile sites.
- Military veterans from both countries are now confirming these ominous events
The U.S. government has suppressed information about UFO activity at American nuclear weapons sites for decades. Researcher Robert Hastings believes that people everywhere have a right to know the facts and has been speaking out since 1981. His 2008 book, UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, exposed the truth for thousands of readers.
On September 27, 2010 CNN streamed his press conference from Washington D.C. resulting in considerable, widespread publicity. A Google search for the press release announcing the event had as many as 2.7 million results.
But more needs to be done if this public information campaign is to be successful.
Hastings’ nearly-completed documentary film, UFOs and Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed, will inform millions of people worldwide about longstanding and ongoing incursions by UFOs at U.S. nuclear ICBM sites, sometimes resulting in the missiles malfunctioning. Documents smuggled out of Russia confirm that the Soviets also experienced such incidents.
But the $100,000 budget for the production—donated in 2013 by a supporter who wishes to remain anonymous—is nearly exhausted and an additional $25,000 is needed to complete it. Here is an excerpt:
The same video shown above.
Will you help bring this important, historic work to the public?
See Also:
UFOS & NUKES | Concentrations of UFO Sightings Near Vital Defense Installations Alarmed The Pentagon
UFOS & NUKES | Concentrations of UFO Sightings Near Vital Defense Installations Alarmed The Pentagon
Hunt For The Flying Saucer
By Robert Moskin
Look Magazine
"Fearful of the danger from the skies, the United States Air Force is launching a secret scientific search to discover once-and-for-all what is the mysterious, unbelievable thing Americans keep sighting overhead"

"Whatever results are obtained . . . the Air Force will place before a special board of scientists. This panel will be established from among 200 scientists and engineers . . . already doing secret work."

". . . sightings were pinpointed on a map. . . . a Pentagon representative . . . noted that a number of concentrations duplicated exactly the area of atomic energy installations."

"Flying saucers could be interplanetary spaceships or missiles."

See Also:
Flying Saucers: General Nathan Twining Denies They are U.S. Experiment
- Part I -
'Project Saucer' Described By Air Force
UFOs & Nukes
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